Dive Brief:
- Google's share of the ed tech space is on the rise, as the tech giant recently announced it sold one million Chromebooks to schools in Q2 of 2014. According to TechRepublic's Conner Forrest, this marketplace success is attributable to two things: deployment and management.
- Deployment encapsulates everything from the simplicity and ease in setting a teacher or student up with a Chromebook to the low cost of the machines.
- As for management, Chromebooks require little maintenance or IT support, and schools are probably attracted to the fact that Google has taken steps to help protect student data.
Dive Insight:
While the article highlights many of the reasons Chromebook is doing so well, it also mentions steps the company can take to improve. Ken Lin, an engineering manager for the Chrome education and business team, shared with TechRepublic two issues his team is attempting to overcome. For one, they are trying to make Chromebook a time saver by finding ways to use the computer to grade homework and tests. Second, they are trying to use the Chromebook to connect people and resources.