This week, data from a handful of recent surveys highlighted the dramatic change in the profile of a "typical" college student over the last 10 years, further calling attention to the obsolescence of the term "nontraditional student." Additionally, data from a Pew Research Center report released Monday detailed Republicans' disenchantment with higher ed, as 58% reported believing colleges and universities have a negative impact on the country.
Meanwhile in K-12, Education Dive visited the National Principals conference, where we learned more about the critical role on-the-job training plays in creating effective principals, and we rounded out our coverage of ISTE with a look at some of the most interesting tech we saw on display at the show.
Be sure to check out our full recap and more in this week's most-read news from Education Dive!
- Keep an eye on these 7 notable ed tech tools from ISTE 2017: Game-based learning platforms, eMentoring services and STEM robots caught our eye on the showfloor.
- Data shows decade's dramatic shift in profile of 'typical' college student: If you didn't already believe the term "nontraditional student" was extinct, this latest gathering of data may finally make the case.
- Republicans overall disenchanted with higher ed, study finds: A new report from the Pew Research Center finds 58% of right-leaning Americans say colleges and universities have a negative impact on the country, compared to only 19% of Democrats.
- Effective principal training should consist of 70% on-the-job learning: Extensive time away from the school for training does not actually benefit anyone, experts say.
- ISTE 2017: Our recap of the K-12 innovation mega-gathering: From sessions to announcements, here's a rundown of everything we saw at this year's conference in San Antonio.
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