Dive Summary:
- House Republicans passed their bill Friday to reverse 2002's No Child Left Behind Law.
- The Republican-backed bill would limit the federal government's authority in public education, returning power to the states when it comes to decisions on how to handle failing schools, how to evaluate teachers and how to use federal money for poor, disabled and non-English speaking students.
- No Democrats voted for the bill in a 221 to 207 margin that saw 12 Republicans side with the Dems, and in the unlikelihood that it passes the Senate, President Obama has said that he would veto it.
From the article:
... In a raucous, lectern-pounding speech, Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the House Education and Workforce committee who led opposition to the GOP bill, argued the bill would harm the country’s most vulnerable children.
When Miller was advised “the gentleman’s time has run out,” he shouted back, “NO! You know who’s time is running out? Childrens’ time!”, which sparked a slow clap in the chamber. ...