This week, Khan Academy debuted a new iPad app featuring more than 150,000 interactive lessons, handwriting recognition, and an engine that makes recommendations based on a user's skill level. Meanwhile, Inside Higher Ed addressed concerns that arose following a Huffington Post piece about the trade publication's ownership, a firm that invests in for-profit higher ed. Additionally, Mississippi pulled out of its decision to use the PARCC assessment in its annual K-12 testing.
Get caught up on these stories, as well as new details regarding President Obama's higher ed agenda and more, in this week's most read Education Dive posts!
- Obama strikes different tone on higher ed in SOTU: Tuesday night's speech featured plenty of focus on the president's free community college and higher education tax credit proposals.
- Khan Academy releases new iPad app: The app, released Tuesday, was created using a $2.25 million grant from AT&T.
- Mississippi pulls out of PARCC contract: The state's Board of Education voted to withdraw from their contract with the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for Colleges and Careers and instead look for bids for a new state test.
- Obama tax plan hits higher ed issues: The president is announcing a tax reform plan with several higher education initiatives during his State of the Union address Tuesday night.
- Inside Higher Ed founder regrets lack of transparency in sale: The publisher has taken steps to avoid potential conflicts of interest with its new majority owner, a top editor says.
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