Dive Summary:
- In its budget recommendations Monday, South Carolina's Education Oversight Committee suggested that legislators invest an additional $1 million for Teach for America, $2 million for student loans to future teachers and $400,000 for the Teaching Fellows scholarship program in order to recruit high school students into teaching so positions can be filled in the state's neediest schools.
- The recommendations come on the heels of several years of budget cuts that led to thousands of teachers being laid off across the state and a sense of discouragement among students about entering the profession (the state's colleges produce 2,000 education graduates annually each year while 4,000 are needed annually).
- The independent panel of legislators, educators and business leaders' recommendations were on how to spend the penny-per-dollar of the state's sales tax solely dedicated to education, and also included reinstating the $275 given to teachers for classroom supplies and simplifying the way teachers are paid.
From the article:
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- South Carolina's education oversight panel recommended Monday that legislators spend more on programs designed to draw high school students into teaching and fill slots in the state's neediest schools. The Education Oversight Committee's budget recommendations include spending an additional $1 million on Teach for America, $2 million on student loans to future teachers, and $400,000 on the rigorous Teaching Fellows scholarship program. ...