Dive Brief:
- Carlos Garcia, a former ed tech director in California, thinks school IT departments should use the summer months to make sure their systems are working properly and prepare for the coming year.
- Schools may be underusing the programs they’re paying for, and IT administrators should compare the licenses they pay for and how much of the service they used.
- Also of note was the fact that the new federal dollars for improving school Internet infrastructure hit schools this year, and the now-funded updates are underway this summer.
Dive Insight:
The Common Core testing that launched in many states this spring proved extremely technologically taxing for school districts. Schools grappled with everything from crashing computers to insufficient bandwidth to hacking attempts. Garcia recommends debriefing with principals, teachers, and administrators to see what went well and what didn’t. The number of devices, he says, is particularly crucial. But, “if you’re adding or replacing any devices this summer, make sure you shop around to find the best value,” he says. And make sure they’re compatible with your current system.