From Advanced Placement (AP)® exam score success, to achievement in standard and credit recovery high school courses, VHS Learning students maintained their long-standing record of academic excellence in the 2023-24 academic year. In addition, a record percentage of schools renewed their participation in the nonprofit’s high-quality, teacher-led online classes.
VHS Learning’s current catalog contains AP® courses that prepare students to take 29 different AP® exams. Overall, the average exam scores of students taking the nonprofit’s courses matched the average global pass rate of 66%, and students in 16 out of 29 of VHS Learning’s AP® courses exceeded *both* Massachusetts and Global average AP® exam pass rates for the same courses, an impressive feat since Massachusetts has historically had the highest exam pass rates in the nation. An AP® score of 3 or higher on an AP® exam is considered eligibility for AP® college credit at many universities.
All VHS Learning students (100%) taking the AP® Precalculus AP® exam passed with a score of 3 or higher, compared to the global average of 76%. Students taking the AP® Human Geography exam achieved an 86% pass rate, compared to the global average of 56%. On the AP® U.S. History exam, 95% of VHS Learning students passed with a score of 3 or higher, compared to the global average of 72%. On the AP® Computer Science Principles exam, 80% of VHS Learning students passed with a score of 3 or higher, compared to the global average of 64%.
Students enrolled in VHS Learning’s standard level online courses in 2024 had an average course pass rate of 92% (they’d previously attained a 91% average pass rate for four consecutive years) Students who took VHS Learning courses in the summer for credit recovery had an average pass rate of 81%, slightly up from 80% in 2023 and significantly up from 75% in 2022.
In the 2023-2024 academic year, VHS Learning had 16,230 student course enrollments and more than 520 partner schools. The percentage of schools renewing their participation in the program from the previous school year jumped from 92% to 99%. Further, 91% of administrators and 93% of site coordinators utilizing the VHS Learning online high school education program at their school said they were satisfied or very satisfied with their school’s experience.
“Our high course pass rates, AP® exam scores, retention rate, and satisfaction rates reflect the quality of our program and our high standards for learning,” said Carol DeFuria, President & CEO of VHS Learning. “For almost thirty years, students have relied on our program to offer challenging AP® courses and unique elective and core courses like American Sign Language, economics, criminology, forensics, and psychology, to their students. We know that high schools cannot always offer all of the courses their students want and need due to budget and resource constraints, and we’re pleased that our nonprofit can provide them with learning opportunities that might not otherwise be available.”
VHS Learning
VHS Learning is a nonprofit organization with almost 30 years of experience providing world-class online programs to students and schools everywhere. More than 500 schools around the world take advantage of VHS Learning’s 250+ online high school courses — including 29 AP® courses, credit recovery, and enrichment courses — to expand their programs of study. VHS Learning is accredited by Middle States Association Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS) and the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC). Courses are approved for initial eligibility by NCAA. For more information about VHS Learning please visit https://www.vhslearning.org/ and follow on Twitter at @VHSLearning.