Technology: Page 55
New York district credits strategy, PD for smooth 1:1 rollout
Brewster Central School District Instructional Technology Specialist Peter LaMoreaux writes that organization and proper advance training helped one middle school distribute 750 devices in under three hours.
By Roger Riddell • May 25, 2017 -
Skype, live video feeds enhancing K-12 classrooms
New video formats and tech tools are being put to use in creative new ways in K-12 classrooms throughout the U.S., offering new opportunities for students.
By Pat Donachie • May 25, 2017 -
School Safety and Security
Safety and security has been a growing concern for school districts, with shootings continuing to rise amid concerns over how to best prevent and respond to them.
By K-12 Dive staff -
More schools, districts moving to the cloud, but apprehension remains
While security is always a concern, most IT professionals say migration and implementation are the biggest worries in the shift to the cloud.
By Autumn A. Arnett • May 24, 2017 -
School administrators want ability to filter Wi-Fi on school buses
Concern remains about the ability to block inappropriate websites, according to a new survey.
By Pat Donachie • May 24, 2017 -
Partnership expands access to online curricula for students in Tri-State area
Schools in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut are joining with Virtual High Schools to offer online and blended learning classes for students.
By Pat Donachie • May 24, 2017 -
Can selfie videos help students improve written, verbal communication?
Discussing characters and concepts from reading material in video selfies is also encouraging second-grade students at Stratham Memorial School in Exeter, NH, to think critically and creatively.
By Roger Riddell • May 23, 2017 -
School districts intend to use mobile more to communicate with parents
Districts plan an average 44% increase in the amount of communication via mobile apps they utilize in the next 1-3 years, according to a new survey by West Corporation.
By Pat Donachie • May 23, 2017 -
Tech disciplines require employees with better writing skills
While writing courses are often thought of as being just a hurdle one needs to clear en route to degree or diploma, experts posit written communicators are actually better coders.
By Autumn A. Arnett • May 22, 2017 -
Report urges educators to integrate STEM in pre-K
STEM is an increasingly popular approach throughout K-12, but a new report is urging its wider use in early childhood programs, as well.
By Pat Donachie • May 22, 2017 -
Navigational issues hinder performance on standardized exams
A recent AAAS study showed elementary and middle school students fared worse on digital exams that didn't allow them to revisit questions than their peers using paper versions.
By Roger Riddell • May 19, 2017 -
Educators consider ways to teach 'digital civility'
With the preponderance of smartphones in the classroom, lessons on how to use them properly are becoming even more important.
By Pat Donachie • May 18, 2017 -
Deep Dive
Rural districts band together to promote innovation across schools
Collaboration among schools in the same district can heavily contribute toward student success.
By Linda Jacobson • May 16, 2017 -
Project Tomorrow report details students' digital learning preferences
56% of students are reportedly using technology to learn outside of school more often than at school, and demand for online options is rising.
By Roger Riddell • May 16, 2017 -
Deep Dive
School districts can drive demand for accessible content from publishers
Bookshare, an accessible online library, is facilitating a "born accessible" movement that could put it out of business by pressuring publishers to produce accessible titles.
By Tara García Mathewson • May 16, 2017 -
High school constructs new digital spaces for students
One Illinois school has built new areas stacked with technological advances for students to complete group projects, and they have proven to be very successful.
By Pat Donachie • May 12, 2017 -
Educators grade performance of tech companies in K-12 classrooms
Tech giants like Microsoft, Google, Apple and Amazon are making inroads in K-12 classrooms throughout the country, and school teachers are giving high marks to Google's Chromebooks.
By Pat Donachie • May 9, 2017 -
Unpacking the value of technology in the classroom
For educators who properly apply it, ed tech can have tremendous benefits to student learning.
By Pat Donachie • May 9, 2017 -
Video can offer a boon for principals looking to improve
Administrators can benefit from videotaping themselves during their work to find out how they are approaching their job and interacting with staff.
By Pat Donachie • May 8, 2017 -
Platform 'Uberizes' English-learning from US educators for Chinese students
The gig economy continues to expand for American educators, but how might it impact existing shortages nationwide?
By Roger Riddell • May 5, 2017 -
Budgets don't have to impede closing homework gap
Districts can take several steps to work around financial strain and guarantee students reliable internet access at home.
By Roger Riddell • May 4, 2017 -
New tool aims to ease online assessment planning for administrators
The eLearn Institute's Online Assessment Planning Tool and a new report from CoSN suggest best practices and provide a four-part strategy for digital exams.
By Roger Riddell • May 2, 2017 -
Schools utilize students' interests in sports, TV to introduce STEM concepts
Initiatives to model CSI and expose students to technical career paths through the NBA are taking off.
By Pat Donachie • May 2, 2017 -
Parents in low-income families heavily support classroom tech use
Most parents believe students spend the right amount of time with tech, and 85% think tech could help students better prepare for tests, according to research from the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop.
By Pat Donachie • May 1, 2017 -
Principal offers 'Future Ready' tips for preparing students
Students face a workforce where many will hold jobs that don't yet exist, and principal and author Dr. L. Robert Furman has three tips for getting them ready.
By Roger Riddell • May 1, 2017 -
Community colleges and Purdue's Kaplan acquisition: The week's most-read education news
Stay ahead of the class with the latest on how one North Carolina district is bolstering its commitment to SEL and more here!
By Roger Riddell • April 28, 2017