Policy & Legal: Page 22

  • A zoomed in image of a young student's hand using a laptop computer.
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    Most E-rate participants call for more cybersecurity support with FCC funds

    Some 91% of schools and libraries surveyed by Funds For Learning agree measures like next-generation firewalls should qualify for E-rate funds.

    By Oct. 10, 2023
  • A computer screen advertises for a person to submit their college application. A hand is visible.
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    Tero Vesalainen via Getty Images
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    Georgia is the latest state to try out direct admissions

    Starting this week, 120,000 high schoolers will be notified they have reserved spots at many of the state’s public colleges.

    By Oct. 9, 2023
  • High school students are dropped off for school and begin walking into the building. Explore the Trendline
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    Top 5 stories from K-12 Dive

    K-12 Dive has gathered some a selection of our best coverage from 2024 so far as a one-stop resource on the trends to watch in the months ahead.

    By K-12 Dive staff
  • A photo illustration of a circle encompassing a question mark, pencil, and scantron test.
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    Photo illustration: Shaun Lucas/Industry Dive; Getty Images

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    Test yourself on this week’s K-12 news

    From two upcoming K-12-related Supreme Court hearings to new data on teachers’ average weekly wages, what did you learn from our recent stories?

    By Oct. 6, 2023
  • Two babies are in a crawl position on the floor looking to the side and ahead. In the background, an adult is on the floor with other children.
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    Pre-enrollment data may help reduce disparities in early interventions

    A GAO report recommends that states collect this data to help solve service gaps for infants and toddlers with developmental delays or at risk for delays.

    By Oct. 6, 2023
  • An aerial view of students using 8 different laptops side by side, while in school.
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    ACLU sounds alarms on school surveillance technologies

    A majority of students surveyed said they are aware of some form of monitoring tech prevalent in their school buildings.

    By Oct. 6, 2023
  • A police officer writes up a ticket to in front of a high school student.
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    Restorative discipline practices in Chicago reduce student arrests

    The University of Chicago’s study found positive effects of the program leading to a 35% decline for in-school student arrests.

    By Oct. 5, 2023
  • Anti-affirmative action activists with the Asian American Coalition for Education protest outside the U.S. Supreme Court Building on June 29, 2023 in Washington, DC.
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    Anna Moneymaker via Getty Images
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    Supreme Court rejects multiple public school cases on first day of 2023 term

    Two K-12-related cases already on the docket for Oct. 31 could impact social media policy and practices for school board members.

    By Oct. 4, 2023
  • A security camera points ahead as a group of group of blurry students appear outdoors in the background.
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    New York bans facial recognition technology in schools

    Schools can decide about using other biometric identifying technology at the local level, however, according to the New York State Education Department.

    By Oct. 3, 2023
  • Two individuals are see participating in a strike. One holds a sign that says "We help students learn. Equitable wages now."
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    Mario Tama / Staff via Getty Images
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    Rising inflation worsens the ‘teacher pay penalty’

    Teachers’ average weekly wages dropped $128 between 2021 and 2022, while other similarly educated professionals’ pay remained fairly stagnant.

    By Oct. 3, 2023
  • Two large wooden doors slightly opened. Within the opening is pictured a person looking into the room.
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    Nathan Howard via Getty Images
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    Budget deal averts education funding nightmare

    The Committee for Education Funding had warned lawmakers about the dangers of a government shutdown.

    By Oct. 2, 2023
  • A green apple sits on top of a fan spread of $100 bills, which sits on top of a red book.
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    Many districts racing against the clock to spend ARP funds

    Numerous districts nationwide have just 10% or less of American Rescue Plan spending registered by their state and at least $500,000 left to spend.

    By Oct. 2, 2023
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    Glen Cooper/Stringer via Getty Images
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    Education Department calls for K-12 pathway programs, outreach to boost college access

    With race-conscious admissions barred by the Supreme Court, the department is calling for more resources to help marginalized students apply for college.

    By Oct. 2, 2023
  • A photo illustration of a circle encompassing a question mark, pencil, and scantron test.
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    Photo illustration: Shaun Lucas/Industry Dive; Getty Images

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    Test yourself on this week’s K-12 news

    From a USDA rule impacting school nutrition to updated digital divide data, what did you learn from our recent stories?

    By Sept. 29, 2023
  • Tony Thurmond California Department of Education
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    The image by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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    California Gov. Newsom signs LGBTQ-inclusive measures

    How schools serve LGBTQ+ students is rapidly changing, and the new laws contribute to a stark contrast between liberal and conservative approaches.

    By Sept. 29, 2023
  • An illustration of a student looking into an empty outline of a teacher in a classroom.
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    Illustration: Cathryn Virginia for Industry Dive

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    Are virtual educators an answer to teacher shortages?

    One live virtual teaching company, Elevate K-12, notes an uptick in district interest in its services amid severe, ongoing educator vacancies.

    By Sept. 29, 2023
  • Yellow caution tape is shown in the foreground. In the background is the facade of the U.S. Capitol Building.
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    Anna Moneymaker via Getty Images
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    Early ed, K-12 make plans for a government shutdown

    Immediate concerns center on Head Start, Impact Aid and school meals, advocates said. A prolonged shutdown would make situations worse.

    By Sept. 29, 2023
  • A group of Chromebooks lie open on the floor after being cleaned.
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    Ed tech budget relief: Google doubles down on longer Chromebook lifespans

    The devices, popular in 1:1 device rollouts in K-12, will be able to receive automatic updates for up to 10 years, the company announced.

    By Sept. 28, 2023
  • Three high school students look at their cell phones outside of a school building.
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    97% of teens say they use their phones during the school day

    A Common Sense Media study found students were most likely to turn to social media, YouTube and gaming on their phones during the school day.

    By Sept. 27, 2023
  • This is a headshot of Sue Mariani, superintendent of Duquesne City School District in Pennsylvania.
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    Permission granted by Sue Mariani
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    How a Pennsylvania superintendent set out to restore her district’s secondary grades

    With middle grades returned, Sue Mariani aims to sustainably bring high school back to Duquesne City School District in a system under receivership.

    By Sept. 27, 2023
  • A jar of cash sits next to a stack of books on a teacher's desk.
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    Washington state districts lacked transparent ARP plans

    An OIG audit finds the state didn't ensure timely submission of some grant applications or that districts publicly posted spending plans.

    By Sept. 27, 2023
  • A students hands are shown holding a sandwich above a red school lunch tray.
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    USDA final rule expands free meal access at high-poverty schools

    Another 3,000 school districts will be eligible for the Community Eligibility Provision under the new federal regulation.

    By Sept. 26, 2023
  • A stack of books sits on a desk alongside chalk, eraser, a pencil holder and backpack. A red apple sits on top of the stacked books.
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    Significant flaws found in special ed written state complaint process

    A Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates report recommends more transparency and parental inclusion in this dispute resolution approach.

    By Updated Sept. 28, 2023
  • Three toddlers are pictured sitting on the ground, while one is standing. The toddler in the center is looking off to the side and is holding a plastic toy.
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    By The Numbers: Child care industry braces for potential funding cliff

    About 3.2 million children will lose access to child care after this week as American Rescue Plan funds run out, The Century Foundation said.

    By Sept. 25, 2023
  • A young child uses a laptop computer at home.
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    Digital divide persists as 22% of low-income households with children lack internet

    A Connected Nation report illuminates a notable gap in awareness and enrollment in the Affordable Connectivity Program.

    By Sept. 25, 2023
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    Retrieved from Intel on March 21, 2022
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    K-12 decision-making is subject of lawsuits contesting power, politics

    State education boards and departments, subject to changing political winds, are facing lawsuits contesting their role and reach. 

    By Sept. 22, 2023